Legal Notices|


Please take notice that the following public hearing will be held by the Joint Village/Town of Clayton Zoning Board of Appeals on August 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM or soon after in the Town’s Recreational Park, 600 East Line Road, as required by the Zoning Ordinance to hear all persons concerned with the Boards consideration in granting an area variance to David Ligeikis on their property located 41311 Kehoe Tract Road, Clayton NY 13624 in the Marine Residential district, Tax Map # 12.20-2-40.3.  The petitioner is requesting to locate a private garage closer to a property line allowed by the zoning ordinance.  Such building will require area variance from Article XII, Schedule D of the zoning ordinance.

All parties in interest and citizens will be given the opportunity to be heard in respect to such application.  Persons may appear in person or by agent.  Written comments must be received prior to the hearing.  The above application is open for inspection in the Town Clerks Office. 

Richard Ingerson

Zoning Officer

Comments are closed.

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