The Town of Clayton is soliciting sealed proposals from qualified firms to provide professional assessment support and valuation services as part of a city-wide reassessment project for the Town of Clayton to be completed for the 2023 roll year.
The Town of Clayton has approximately 4,022 parcels including 2,683 residential parcels, 979 vacant land parcels, 105 farm parcels, with the balance of 255 commercial parcels. Included in this total are 742 parcels located on islands within the township and classified as “Unique and/or Highly Complex Parcels” for the purposes of this RFP. A listing of those parcels is included at the end of this Request for Proposals.
The Town conducted a City-wide reassessment project in 2013. The current equalization rate is 98%.
The Town is interested in hiring a professional appraisal and consulting firm to conduct a comprehensive reassessment project including data verification, valuation, field review, public relations and all management of the project.
Proposals must be submitted by January 17, 2022 no later than 2:00 P.M. to Town of Clayton, Attn: Town Clerk, 405 Riverside Drive, Clayton, NY 13624.
Late submissions will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. Proposals submitted shall be clearly identified on the outside of the envelope with the Name of Project and the Company submitting the proposal.
Copies of specifications and conditions may be obtained HERE or at the Town Office, 405 Riverside Drive, Clayton, NY 13624. The Town of Clayton reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and will award to the respondent deemed to best serve the needs of the Town and to waive any informalities or defects in such proposals before or after opening. All bids shall include a Bid Proposal Form, “Non-Collusion” statement, and an “Authorization to Bid” form, if applicable.
By Order of the Town Board
Megan Badour, Town Clerk