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Zoning Minutes 2024-08-19

                 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS
                          August 19, 2024
The meeting opened at 7:15 pm with the following members present: Stephen Mack, Chairman; Lori Arnot; Ashley Owens; Nick Reddick (Alternate) Absent: Dale MacLaughlin; Chip Garnsey. Nick Reddick will sit in for Dale MacLaughlin
Also Present: ZEO/CEO Richard Ingerson; Town Board Liaison James Kenney; Recording Clerk Mariah LaClair.
Townspeople Present: David Ligeikis; Jeff Staples; William Colwill; Karen Colwill.
Minutes- The Board reviewed the minutes for the July 15 regular meeting as well as the July 29 special meeting. MOTION to approve the July 15 ZBA minutes and the July 29 special ZBA meeting minutes as submitted made by Lori Arnot, seconded by Ashley Owens. All in favor, motion carried.
New Business:
1. (Town)
Applicant: Karen B. Colwill
Application Number: T-VAR-003-24
Action: 1’-0” side-yard variance and 8’-6” North front-yard variance
Site Location: 17175 Blanchard Lane East, Clayton, NY 13624 (Tax Map #12.20-2-21)
Information: The Colwills are proposing to construct a new deck to replace and expand an existing porch. The cottage currently has no outdoor living spaces and the applicants would like to expand their outdoor living. There will be no removal of trees and no need for re-grading. The new deck would corner the home and would be 44’ on the back, 12’ on the side and extend 10’ from the house. In order to construct the deck, the Colwills will need a 1’-0” side-yard variance and 8’-6” North front-yard variance. Richard Ingerson did receive a letter from a neighbor stating he has no opposition to the deck and there will still be enough room between the houses. Nick Reddick asked if there are plans for a roof to cover the deck. The applicants responded that the roof over the existing porch will remain the same and they will add a pergola with a 1’ overhang. The Board agreed that the 1’ overhang will need to be added in the calculation for the variance, thus amending the side-yard variance from 1’ to 2’ to include the pergola.
MOTION to open the public hearing for the Colwill application T-VAR-003-24 located at 17175 Blanchard Ln. E., Clayton, NY, made by Nick Reddick, seconded by Lori Arnot. All in favor, motion carried.
No public comment.
MOTION to close the public hearing for the Colwill application T-VAR-003-24 located at 17175 Blanchard Ln. E., Clayton, NY made by Lori Arnot, seconded by Ashley Owens. All in favor, motion carried.
MOTION to declare application T-VAR-003-24 a Type II action made by Lori Arnot, seconded by Nick Reddick. All in favor, motion carried. Stephen Mack went through the finding of fact.
MOTION to approve the Colwill application T-VAR-003-24 as amended to a 2’-0” side-yard variance and 8’-6” North front-yard variance in order to construct a deck located at 17175 Blanchard Ln. E., Clayton, NY made by Nick Reddick, seconded by Lori Arnot.
AYE: Mack; Arnot; Owens; Reddick
NAY: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: MacLaughlin; Garnsey
2. (Town)
Applicant: McAlt LLC
Application Number: T-VAR-004-24
Action: 7’-6” side-yard variance
Site Location: 40488 Riverwood Estates Ln., Clayton, NY 13624 (Tax Map #20.07-2-9.21)
Information: The applicant is proposing to build a new pump house and add enough space to square off corner of the building in the exact same location of an existing pump house. It will be on a concrete slab and will be 31’-6” x 12’-0”. The purpose of the construction is due to the deteriorating state of the current pumphouse. It will be a major improvement to what is currently there.
MOTION to open the public hearing for the McAlt LLC variance application T-VAR-004-24 made by Lori Arnot, seconded by Ashley Owens. All in favor, motion carried.
No public comment & no letters were submitted.
MOTION to close the public hearing for the the McAlt LLC variance application T-VAR-004-24 made by Lori Arnot, seconded by Nick Reddick. All in favor, motion carried.
MOTION to declare application T-VAR-004-24 a Type II action made by Ashley Owens, seconded by Lori Arnot. All in favor, motion carried. Stephen Mack went through the finding of fact.
MOTION to approve the McAlt application T-VAR-004-24 as submitted in order to reconstruct a pump house located at 40488 Riverwood Estates Ln., Clayton, NY made by Lori Arnot, seconded by Ashley Owens.
AYE: Mack; Arnot; Owens; Reddick
NAY: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: MacLaughlin; Garnsey
3. (Town)
Applicant: Caroline Holt Larson Trustee
Application Number: T-VAR-005-24
Action: 38’-0” front-yard variance
Site Location: 13816/896 Lower Town Landing, Grindstone Is., NY 13624 (Tax Map #12.17-1-40)
Information: The applicants are requesting a 38’ variance to construct an addition onto an existing home. Due to being in an isolated part of the Island, the new addition would not impose onto any neighbors. The size of the addition would be 11’-0” x 25’-0” and would add 275 sq. ft. to the home.
MOTION to open the public hearing for the Caroline Holt Larson Trustee application T-VAR-005-24 located at 13816/896 Lower Town Landing, Grindstone Is., Clayton, NY, made by Nick Reddick, seconded by Ashley Owens. All in favor, motion carried.
No public comment.
MOTION to close the public hearing for the Caroline Holt Larson Trustee application T-VAR-005-24 located at 13816/896 Lower Town Landing, Grindstone Is., Clayton, NY, made by Lori Arnot, seconded by Ashley Owens. All in favor, motion carried.
MOTION to declare application T-VAR-005-24 a Type II action made by Lori Arnot, seconded by Nick Reddick. All in favor, motion carried. Stephen Mack went through the finding of fact.
MOTION to approve the Caroline Holt Larson Trustee application T-VAR-005-24 as submitted in order to construct an addition onto a home located at 13816/896 Lower Town Landing, Grindstone Is., Clayton, NY, made by Ashley Owens, seconded by Lori Arnot.
AYE: Mack; Arnot; Owens; Reddick
NAY: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: MacLaughlin; Garnsey
4. (Town)
Applicant: David Ligeikis
Application Number: T-VAR-006-24
Action: 8’-6” side-yard variance
Site Location: 41311 Kehoe Tract Rd., Clayton, NY 13624 (Tax Map #12.20-2-40.3)
Information: The applicant is proposing to construct a shed on the property at the end of an existing driveway. The setback required is 15’ from the property line and they would like to be 7’-6” from the property line. The shed will be 28’ x 12’ x 10’. Ashley Owens asked if the shed will have an overhang. The applicant responded that the shed will come from North Country Storage barns and usually have a 3” overhang. The Board commented that the shed will have to be placed 3” back to accommodate the 3” overhang and the applicant agreed. The Board also commented that the shed should have gutters.
MOTION to open the public hearing for the Ligeikis application T-VAR-006-24 located at 41311 Kehoe Tract Rd., Clayton, NY made by Nick Reddick, seconded by Lori Arnot. All in favor, motion carried.
No public comment. Richard Ingerson noted that a neighbor came to the office to inquire about the application but had no opposition to the project.
MOTION to close the public hearing for the Ligeikis application T-VAR-006-24 located at 41311 Kehoe Tract Rd., Clayton, NY, made by Lori Arnot, seconded by Nick Reddick. All in favor, motion carried.
MOTION to declare application T-VAR-006-24 a Type II action made by Lori Arnot, seconded by Nick Reddick. All in favor, motion carried. Stephen Mack went through the finding of fact.
MOTION to approve the Ligeikis application T-VAR-006-24 as submitted with the condition to add gutters in order to construct a shed located at 41311 Kehoe Tract Rd., Clayton, NY made by Nick Reddick, seconded by Lori Arnot.
AYE: Mack; Arnot; Owens; Reddick
NAY: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: MacLaughlin; Garnsey
MOTION was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 PM by Nick Reddick, seconded by Lori Arnot. All in favor, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mariah LaClair, Recording Clerk

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