Below are responses to common questions that we have received regarding this bid solicitation:
- Is the project subject to prevailing wage? Yes. See wage schedule HERE.
- It appears as if the facility has multiple entrances and a side lot. Could you identify the work area limits to be included in the bid? See below. Areas to be sealed are indicated in green.
- As of 11/8/2022 coal tar sealer has been banned in NYS. Coal tar sealer application has not been banned until 11/8/2023.
- How many pounds per gallon of sand will be required? Typically, 1-2 lb/gal are used on commercial sealing. We estimate approximately double that amount.
- What is the required application rate of the sealer? Per the manufacturer’s recommendation for the product being used.
- Will any of the striping require glass beads for reflectivity? No.
- Will there be set hours for work during the month of May? There will be no set hours during the day, but the work must be completed between May 7 and May 17.
- Will the lot be closed in its entirety or is there a need to phase the work? The lot will be closed in its entirety.
- Will the contractor need to provide a bond? As stated in the bid specification, the contractor will need to provide proof of insured status prior to beginning work.
Image of work area limited to be included in the bid:

The Town of Clayton is soliciting bids for sealing the parking lot at the Cerow Recreation Park Arena facility, 600 East Line Road, Clayton. The bid estimate shall include the following:
- Area will be cleaned of dirt and debris
- All encroaching vegetation will be cut back
- Any oil spots will be primed to ensure adhesion of material
- All cracks will be filled using hot rubber crack filler applied by machine
- Entire asphalt area will be sealed with two coats of tar sealer with sand additive
- Entire parking area will be striped as existing
Work is to be conducted in the month of May 2023.
Successful bidder must be fully insured and provide proof to the Town of Clayton prior to beginning the project.
Bids are due by Monday, December 5, 2022 by 2pm. Bids may be hand delivered or mailed to the Town Supervisor, 405 Riverside Drive, PO Box 379, Clayton, New York 13624. The Town of Clayton reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, or any part thereof, if it is in the best interest of the Town.
Megan Badour, Town Clerk